Why Do We Get Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are a normal part of getting older. Along with aging, environmental factors (like the sun) and lifestyle factors (like smoking) also affect our skin. But why do we get wrinkles? How does this process happen? Let’s take a look at the different ways wrinkles form in our skin.
How Wrinkles Form
Facial Expressions and Movements
Some wrinkles are caused by repeated facial movements and expressions. In fact, the first wrinkles people begin to notice are caused by facial expressions. These types of wrinkles are called dynamic wrinkles.
Botox is an effective treatment for dynamic wrinkles. Botox works by limiting the motion of the muscles located around the forehead, brow, and the corners of the eyes. When these muscles don’t contract as much, the skin cannot crease in these treated areas. The wrinkles in these areas become softer and smoother.
If you are looking for a Botox Las Vegas treatment, contact Apex Medical Spa for more information!
Over time, key processes begin to slow down in our skin. These process affect the volume under our skin, the elasticity of our skin, the dryness of our skin, and the thinning of our skin. These changes lead to wrinkles, creases, and fine lines.
As we get older, the outermost layer of our skin (the epidermis) produces less lipids and Hydraulic acid. These help keep our skin moisturized. Therefore, with lower levels, our skin can dry out. This dryness can lead to rougher skin and more visible wrinkles and lines.
Additionally, as we age, our skin experiences a decrease in two important proteins – collagen and elastin. Collagen gives structure and firmness to our skin, and elastin helps tissues resume their shape after stretching. With a decrease in these proteins, our skin begins to sag, sink in, and wrinkle.
Dermal fillers and fat transfer treatments can help restore lost volume and fullness to our faces.
Sun Damage and Smoking
Sun damage and smoking can accelerate the aging process and cause wrinkles prematurely. Both excessive sun exposure and smoking can damage collagen.
Skin Rejuvenation Treatments
If you are looking for skin rejuvenation treatments like Botox, Juvederm, or fat transfer, contact Apex Medical Spa. We are a medical spa in the Las Vegas area and provide a wide range of treatments to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.