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What is Vibration-Supported Liposuction?

liposuction in Las Vegas

The top surgical cosmetic procedure in the U.S. is liposuction. Over 400,000 men and women combined received this procedure in 2016. While you may be familiar with the basics of liposuction, you may not know that there are different types of liposuction procedures. These different types range from the more traditional methods to the more modern methods that use lasers or vibration.

Let’s take a look at the differences between vibration-supported liposuction (one of the most modern and state-of-the-art lipo procedures) and traditional liposuction.

Traditional Lipo vs. Vibration-Supported Lipo

The more traditional form of liposuction is much more invasive than newer methods. The traditional method usually involves one or more incisions, general anesthesia, and a longer recovery time. Some side effects include significant bruising and damage to the skin.

During a traditional liposuction procedure, a cannula is inserted through the incisions and under the skin. The doctor uses a jabbing motion with the cannula (which is like a metal straw) to break down fat. The fat is then drawn out with a vacuum.

Newer lipo procedures, such as vibration-supported liposuction, are the modern way of surgical fat removal. With vibration-supported lipo, the suction cannula is moved axially in a fast vibrational mode. This serves in combination with the suction vacuum to microscopically and gently cut and remove fat tissue.

The vibration-supported technique has its specific benefits for both the doctor and the patient. First, local anesthesia can be used. Secondly, due to the technology and technique, less force and effort are needed to move the cannula. This allows the doctor to work with higher precision. Other great benefits of vibration-support lipo are that the recovery period tends to be shorter and there tends to be less swelling and bruising.

Ideal Candidates for Liposuction

Good candidates for liposuction include patients that:

  • Have good skin elasticity
  • Have localized areas of stubborn fat deposits that diet and exercise won’t reduce
  • Are close to their normal body weight

In order to determine if liposuction is right for you, start by educating yourself on the procedure. Research and ask a liposuction doctor about the risks of the procedure and what to realistically expect after receiving the procedure. If you are looking for liposuction in Las Vegas, contact Apex Medical Spa for a consultation. Get the body you desire!


(702) 444.5680

About Apex Medical Spa

We offer multiple procedures from HD LipoSculpting to Fat Transfer to Botox®. We offer the safest, most advanced treatments using state of the art technologies that will get you the results you desire.


1701 Wellness Way | Suite 201
Las Vegas, NV 89106


Open Monday through Friday
8.00 am - 5.00 pm

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