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Importance of Diet & Exercise after Liposuction

las vegas liposuction

Looking to get rid of that muffin top or your love handles? What about the extra fat from your arms or back? Liposuction is an effective procedure for removing these stubborn areas of fat. If you’re within range of your ideal body weight and have some of these stubborn areas, you may be a good candidate for liposuction.

Liposuction breaks apart and removes fat cells using a medical device called a cannula. Cannulas are like thin metal straws that are inserted under the skin to suction out superficial fat and fat cells. Since the body doesn’t readily make new fat cells past puberty, the results are more or less permanent. However, inactivity and eating too much can lead to weight gain and can diminish the final results. If you gain more weight after the procedure, you may see the body storing the fat in other areas of your body.

Why a Healthy Lifestyle Matters after Lipo

If you wish to maintain the results of your liposuction procedure, it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Diet and exercise are two important elements of a healthy lifestyle. In fact, a 2004 study found that patients who had liposuction were three times more likely to gain weight it they did not follow a healthy diet. The study also found that they were four times more likely to gain weight if they didn’t exercise on a regular basis.

Exercise After Liposuction

While it is advised to rest a few days after the surgery, you should be able to start low impact activity and light exercises a week or so after the procedure. Make sure to speak with your liposuction doctor on your specific post-procedure instructions. There may be some exercises you cannot do right away.

Once you have recovered and can perform physical activity, you should stick to a regular exercise routine. Both aerobic and resistance exercises can help you maintain your results. You may need to start out with light physical activity during the first few weeks – such as walking. However, after you recover, consider jogging, running, cycling, or swimming for aerobic exercise. These types of exercises are great for burning calories and toning your body. Resistance exercises will also help you tone and build strength.

Do not do too much too soon. Start off easy and work up to more strenuous exercises. Speak with your doctor about when you can start physical activity.

Diet After Liposuction

Physical activity is only one peice of the puzzle. A good diet is also important. Eating too much can lead to weight gain – even if you are exercising. Here are some diet tips:

  • Limit foods high in fat (processed meats, fast food)
  • Limit foods high in sugar (desserts, candy, soda, juices)
  • Eat foods rich in fiber. Fiber helps you feel full longer. (whole grains, nuts, oatmeal, vegetables)
  • Eat foods with protein. (Grilled chicken, salmon, lean steak, beans, and eggs)

In the end, you’ll be more happy with the long term results if you exercise and eat well. If you are looking for a Las Vegas liposuction procedure, contact Apex Medical Spa. We use vibration-supported liposuction, which is the modern way of surgical fat removal.

(702) 444.5680

About Apex Medical Spa

We offer multiple procedures from HD LipoSculpting to Fat Transfer to Botox®. We offer the safest, most advanced treatments using state of the art technologies that will get you the results you desire.


1701 Wellness Way | Suite 201
Las Vegas, NV 89106


Open Monday through Friday
8.00 am - 5.00 pm

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(Name, DOB, Reason for call) and we will text you back.

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