Common Questions about Kybella®

As we age, many of us begin to notice the development of extra fat under the chin – also known as the double chin. While genetics and weight gain can cause a double chin, one of the main culprits is aging. This happens because our neck muscles weaken, our skin loosens, and fat begins to accumulate more under the chin. Kybella® is an effective, non-surgical treatment for a double chin. Let’s take a look at some of the commonly asked questions about a Las Vegas Kybella treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions about Kybella®
What is Kybella®?
Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable cosmetic treatment that reduces fat under the chin and improves the chin profile. Currently, it is only approved for the chin and not other areas of the body.
How Does It Work?
Kybella injections destroy the fat cells under the chin. The active ingredient in Kybella is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is found naturally in our bodies, and it facilitates the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat in the body.
The result of the treatment is a more aesthetically pleasing chin profile. You will have less fat and volume under the chin, giving you a sleeker and younger-looking appearance.
What is the Treatment Like?
Depending on the amount of fat under the chin and the desired results, multiple treatment sessions of Kybella injections are often needed. On average, 2-4 sessions are needed, and these sessions are spaced out every month. No more than 6 treatment sessions are usually given. Each session lasts from 15-60 minutes and is performed in the doctor’s office.
Is There Pain?
You may experience a mild sensation of burning and stinging. However, to minimize any discomfort, a cold gel pack or ice may be placed against the skin after the injections. Some swelling may occur for a few days after the procedure.
How Long Do Results Last?
Since Kybella destroys fat cells, the results should last indefinitely after the completion of all planned treatment sessions. However, it is important to maintain a healthy body weight after the treatment. Gaining extra weight can cause the remaining fat cells to expand.
Where Can I Find a Las Vegas Kybella® Doctor?
Apex Medical Spa offers many skin rejuvenation treatments, including Kybella. Contact us today for more information and to schedule a consultation. Get the results you desire!