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Or TEXT US @ (702) 444-5680 with detailed info (Name, DOB, Reason for call) and we will text you back.
If it’s your 1st time texting us, please text the keyword apex702 to the number first. Then, text us your detailed info (Name, DOB, Reason for call).

Author: Apex Medical Spa

vegas liposculpture for women

Many women find that diet and exercise aren’t enough for reducing unwanted bulges of fat. Sometimes stubborn fat deposits stay around the waist, abdominal, and back areas despite lifting weights, running, and eating healthy. Liposculpture is an effective treatment option for removing these localized fat accumulations and achieving the desired body shape women want.

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Las Vegas liposculpture

Cosmetic procedures are not just for women. Since 1997, cosmetic procedures for men has increased by 325%.  Some of the top cosmetic procedures men are receiving include liposuction, facelifts, and male breast reductions. Liposculpture is another state-of-the-art cosmetic procedure that men can receive. It is an effective way to sculpt their bodies and remove stubborn and unwanted bulges of fat.

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Is Liposculpture Right for You?

Sometimes diet and exercise are not enough for achieving the body shape you desire. If you are determined about sculpting your figure and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, liposculpting can be an effective option for you. Liposculpting is a less invasive cosmetic procedure where your body is contoured through removing and reshaping fat deposits. It is an effective way to enhance your muscle definition in your abdominal area, and it is a great way for removing fat from the chin and neck.

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(702) 444.5680

About Apex Medical Spa

We offer multiple procedures from HD LipoSculpting to Fat Transfer to Botox®. We offer the safest, most advanced treatments using state of the art technologies that will get you the results you desire.


1701 Wellness Way | Suite 201
Las Vegas, NV 89106


Open Monday through Friday
8.00 am - 5.00 pm

Call or Text

TEXT US @ (702) 444-5680 with detailed info
(Name, DOB, Reason for call) and we will text you back.

If it's your 1st time texting us, please text the keyword apex702 to the number first. Then, text us your detailed info (Name, DOB, Reason for call).