6 Tips for Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

The holiday season is upon us! With Thanksgiving right around the corner and the winter holidays within sight, there is a lot to look forward to! From family dinners to work parties, it’s an exciting time of year. However, it is also a time where many people experience weight gain. In fact, between mid-November and mid-January, adults gain about a pound on average.
In order to combat this problem, here are some tips for avoiding the holiday weight gain.
6 Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight During the Holidays
#1 Stay Active
While it may be tempting to lounge and relax, it is important to stay active. Depending on your health and fitness level, you could stick to a workout routine or even go for brisk walks. If your family and friends are in town, be active with them. Exercising with others is often more enjoyable and motivating.
#2 Avoid Overeating and Overindulging
The holiday season is a time for amazing foods. Unfortunately, many of these foods are high in calories. Be aware of how much you are eating. Stick to small portions, be picky, and eat sweets in moderation. Also, try eating slowly and mindfully. This will give you time to fill up, and it will be easier to skip second helpings.
#3 Bring a Healthy Dish to the Party
Be in control and bring in a healthy dish to the party. There are plenty of delicious healthy and “skinny” recipes out there.
#4 Limit Taste Testing when Cooking/Baking
If you do cook or bake a dish, limit taste testing – especially with sweets and desserts. Desserts, cookies, cakes, and other sweets are high in calories and sugar. Calories can add up with multiple taste tests. So be conservative!
#5 Don’t Arrive to a Party Hungry
Arriving to a party hungry is asking for trouble. It’s easy to lose control and eat whatever you want when you are hungry. Therefore, before you arrive, drink water and eat a healthy snack. This should help curb your appetite.
#6 Limit Alcohol and Soda Consumption
The holidays are a time for celebrating, which usually means some fun drinks. However, these drinks are culprits for empty calories and sugar. Some alcoholic drinks are over 300 calories!
Our team at Apex Medical Spa wishes you a safe and happy holiday season!